Emergency Dentistry

Power Dental Practice is open 6 days a week for your convenience.

Our emergency dentist endeavours to see people in pain the same day they contact us, wherever possible. We recognise that any source of pain or injury is potentially serious and should not simply be ignored.

Some common dental emergencies and how to approach them:

  • Toothache – Rinse the mouth with warm salty water, floss to remove any food, take simple painkillers.
  • Abscess – Gentle salt water mouth rinsing. Such an infection will often require antibiotics and painkillers from a dentist or doctor.
  • Lost filling – Place a soft covering as a temporary measure if painful.
  • Loose or dislodged crown –If loose, gently protect it. If completely off, clean the lost crown. If possible reposition the crown, or at least keep it and bring it in to see if it can be re-cemented.
  • Chipped, hit or broken teeth – Keep any pieces, cover the tooth if sensitive, protect from further damage.
  • Knocked-out tooth – Retrieve the tooth, gently clean it with milk, salt water or saliva. Reposition it if possible.  If not place it in milk or if no milk available, use salt water. Come in immediately – the tooth should be repositioned by us in the first hour for the best success rate.
  • Broken braces wire – Try to bend the sharp end away from lips, gum or cheeks. Cover the end with orthodontic wax, gum or cotton wool. Do not try to cut the wire.
  • Loose orthodontic bracket – Place orthodontic wax over the loose bracket to stabilize it.

In all of the above emergencies, please call for further advice and to make an appointment with our emergency dentist.

The treatment required will vary according to the emergency – from the very simple to the potentially complex.  In any case, early intervention is the best way to approach your problem.